In the old days (yes I have been teaching golf many years now) I called this drill Slicefixer. Players doing this drill have achieved around a 75% ability to curve their golf ball in a draw pattern after a few swings.
This drill should be included in most players practice and also performed a practice swing while on the golf course.
Watch this to learn about how to hit the little ball before the big ball.
This drill is simple but will help a player develop rhythm and tempo in their swing. If not properly you should see a ball flight that goes a bit left as the clubface tends to over-close when you have your lower body still. Once you add lowe body motion the clubface will stabilize through impact.
Legendary golf instructor Harver Penick aptly named this drill. With practice, there is a bit of magic that will reveal itself.
Speed training should be a part of every golfers training regiment. Who doesn't want to hit it further?
A pitch shot is not a mini-version of your full swing. This is a common misconception.The pitch shot has its own set of setup and motion fundamentals. Take a look to learn more.
This drill is from the Mach 3 training program that I love.
One arm only swings help a player to eliminate the "hit" and focus on swinging the clubhead.
A flop shot is a great one to have in your short game toolbox. Pulling it off will surely impress your fellow golfers.
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